Music is spiritual. Even when you think it's not, it still is. Music is the outward expression of internal emotion, which is in and of itself spiritual.

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I'm glad somebody was able to put the connection between music, growing (as a person), and spirituality together. That is my entire goal as a person is to grow and learn and spread happiness, and this article is a great read if that is something you as a person are trying to wrap your head around and begin accomplishing. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

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I practice song writing and composition as a spiritual practice, 34 years now. It's good to hear someone else say it! The longer you keep it up the better and deeper it gets. The universe will bless you. I know music has saved my life.

Shem S.

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Music comes from the heart. It expresses the mental state of the composer. It is spiritual in a way beyond our imagination.

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"spirituality is anything that aspires towards the truth." Yoooooooo I love this. I live this! This is is what drives my creativity.

This article is a great reminder that "failure" isn't the end, it's just part of the process of discovery. It's what we do with it that counts towards success.

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Nice read. Yes, embrace the pain and learn from your failures!

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Great story Michael - thanks for this. I've really enjoyed your writing, and I appreciate the inner work it takes to put yourself out there : ).

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Indeed. We are all spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Creating music pulls from the part of us that still remains beyond the veil of the physical realms according to Bashar. And we express ourselves creatively through our music. For many of us it is a passion.

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Great read Mike. Thanks for sharing

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Interesting. I have a whole bunch of music.

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I thought I'd found someone who seemed at last to know the truth. But I was mistaken, it was only a child laughing in the sun.

-David Crosby

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Excellent read but i have to disagree with you about the inherentness of spirituality ti creating music. I've just finished an undergraduate degree in Music and the problem I ran into throughout was just that. Every lecturer expected me to have some spiritual connection to my music. I don't. I don't have a spiritual connection to anything. I just enjoy making it. This Jordan Peterson style definition of 'Truth' is something I have no interest in. I built my entire degree around the idea of how a material atheist can still enjoy creating music without having to 'find his soul'.

That said I don't begrudge anyone who does have a spiritual connection to their music, I just ask that people stop saying it is a necessity to be a musician axiomatically.

Pete Brennan

The Common Centrist

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May 28·edited May 28

When I make my music, my goal is to connect with the listener's spirit. Art in general is a spiritual connection that's also deeply rooted in nature. Also to note, God has stated that singing is the best form of worship. God bless everyone.

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Interesting that you mention your maltese. Assuming it's a gray cat (for those of you who don't know, it's a coat-color, not a breed,) and not a falcon (j/k) this may explain a lot about your failed attempt to produce something. I also have a feline compatriot and I've noticed over the years that her support for my endeavors as a musician, producer, and mix engineer is, to be generous, lack-luster. Trying to record? She's roaming about your keys, pads, lap, pawing at the fretboard, and getting all up in your zone in general. Trying to mix? She's talking at your face from across the room, asking where her food is, what your thoughts are on her relocating something that she could easily walk around, or just singing at a sun spot. Starting to get the picture? Cat's are one of the Top Three Hindrances to your goals, musical or otherwise. Want to find out what the other two are? Go to my totally real and not fake blog that really exists to find out, at https://totallyfakeblogthatdoesn'texist.substack.com

tl;dr? If you're feeling down, blame all your failings on your cat; I promise you, they won't care.

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lol. Great article…even if it does feel like I’m guilty of commiseration just by reading 🤔.

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Well done sir

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