This resonates so incredible clearly with me and many of my music collegues! thanks for putting it in writing

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Hi Michael. I do like your articles exactly because of that: you put yourself totally on them. You don’t fake what you are not. And, as a small note, I did not understand what Telco, as music (which I found quite good in the video excerpt), has to do with a bad video exposure. I feel that song has a lot of possibilities e.g. in sync… Never give up. Cheers.

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Well metaphorically you were hit by a ghost train! And now your passion for the success of Mad Records is infectious. Rock on Michael

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That hit home hard. Wonderful article. The 'Fake it til you make it' stuff almost made me quit music entirely. It drains the soul. Thank you for this.... and for the record I liked 'Untitled'.

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