I’ve been thinking about music creation and music distribution lately and comparing it to my software development experience in open source software. One of the things I loved about OSS is that I could release an unfinished product at any time to the community at large and have them take it, try it, use it, test it, and report back their feedback, sometimes even with a fix to a bug, that would then be included (potentially) in the next release, many times within a few days. I don’t think that exists in music, and I wish it did. I miss it.

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Cringe is watching the crashing and burning in front of a real-time audience, which probably the most painful type of crash and burn. Thankfully I am more a behind the curtain type of guy and when I crash and burn, while it may not be in front of an audience most times (but not all the time), it is in front of the peers at times I want to impress which can be more brutal in ways. No doubt you have to be true to who you are because when you try to fake it, you can only go so far before the jig is up!

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